Could Abortion Impact my Mental Health?

Women report a variety of emotions before, during and after an abortion. Others involved (parents, partners, friends) may also experience troubling emotions of varied intensity. Studies have shown that an abortion procedure, whether surgical or chemical, may have an impact on a woman’s mental health. And while we cannot address the full impact of abortion in just a short blog, we invite you to consider these thoughts and then see the links at the bottom to do more of your own research. 

At Parkridge, we believe that your emotional and mental health are just as important as your physical health. We want to help you see the value of holistic care throughout your pregnancy decision – caring for your mind, body, and spirit. At Parkridge, we offer free and confidential after abortion support and a variety of other services. 

In an unexpected pregnancy, it may be appealing to make your decision quickly. We want to encourage you to consider your whole person – mind, body, and spirit - in your decision-making process. Our clinic can provide free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, std testing and treatment, and after abortion support.  


Abortion & Your Mind 

Abortion is an elective medical procedure that ends a pregnancy; therefore, the woman’s body and the fetus are physically impacted, but what about her mind and emotions?  Regardless of how she came to the decision to have an abortion or how confident she is in the choice, it’s important for her to be informed about troubling emotions that could follow. She may feel relieved, sad, or numb, after an abortion. She may grieve the loss of what could have been, or never look back and have regret. A 2023 study concluded that 34% of women surveyed who had a medical abortion reported an adverse change in themselves, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse and thoughts of suicide. Study-Shows-Long-Term-Negative-Impact-of-Medication-Abortion 2023.pdf 

Consider your thoughts and feelings– You are unique. You know your capacity, life experiences and current stressors. Do you think you can pick right back up with normal activities after having an abortion? What emotional and relational support do you have in place? One month, six months, one year from now... how might you feel? No one can know for certain how they will feel afterwards and that is OKAY, but pausing to consider how you might feel is part of making an informed and thoughtful decision. This is why it is important to build a team of people that provide love and support. At Parkridge, we can be on your team.  


Abortion & Your Body 

An abortion procedure, whether surgical or chemical, will affect your body. Because it is common to experience a high amount of bleeding at home with a medication abortion, it can be challenging for some women to know when it is appropriate to seek medical help. Potential severe adverse effects of an abortion on a woman’s body could include infection, sepsis, and hemorrhage. Some may choose to have a surgical abortion, which uses instruments to facilitate the abortion. Some may find this procedure to be painful, as well as having residual bleeding afterwards. It is important to be prepared for what your body will experience and feel equipped to know which symptoms are abnormal and require medical assistance. It is wise to make sure you have friends or family that know what you are going through, and who are able to support you physically, if necessary.  

Consider your body – are you educated on what will happen physically with an abortion? Are you prepared with support? Do you feel okay about what may happen to your body? The Parkridge medical staff is here to answer questions and provide evidence-based education on abortion procedures. 


Abortion & Your Spirit or Values 

A person's experience with abortion can look different depending on their spirituality or belief system, and view of self and the world.  For some, spirituality acts as an anchor which is grounding and comforting. So why is it important to consider spirituality and worldview when considering abortion? It is called incongruence. Incongruence is a fancy psychology word that basically means your actions or thoughts are not in harmony with your view of yourself. We’ve heard some women say, “I just never thought I would choose abortion...” Others have said, “I’ve known that if I got pregnant unexpectedly, abortion is something I would consider...” If a woman chooses abortion and that choice is not in harmony with her value system or beliefs, she is more likely to experience troubling mental health symptoms. 

Consider your beliefs and values- How does my spirituality inform my feelings toward abortion? What do I believe about the fetus/baby? What could my spirituality look like after an abortion? Does my spirituality provide grounding and comfort?  


Your mind, body, and spirit are all part of a pregnancy decision. We want to help you pause and think through what decision is best for you. Or, if you have already had an abortion and would like to talk to someone—like a nurse or a counselor, please reach out to us. 

Contact Parkridge if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. We are here for you.  


We hope the information included here is helpful, and is received in conjunction with other medical information.  This blog post is not intended to replace information directly received from a medical or mental healthcare provider.  Parkridge provides initial medical care and counseling for women experiencing unintended pregnancy. Through pregnancy testing, ultrasound confirmation and STD testing & treatment, we serve women who are considering both abortion and other pregnancy options. Our counseling team serves women in many situations, including those who need post abortion support. All of our services are always free of charge, confidential and delivered by licensed professionals.  Please reach out to us and let us know if we can help! Call 806.794.8555 or make an appointment online by clicking here.     


Links and Resources For You-, its creators, and all those involved are not responsible for the content of the individual resources listed for referral, nor does providing a link constitute endorsement of a resource. 

Study-Shows-Long-Term-Negative-Impact-of-Medication-Abortion 2023.pdf 

Medical abortion - Mayo Clinic 

Abortion, Substance Abuse and Mental Health in Early Adulthood: Thirteen-Year Longitudinal Evidence from the United States Sullins, Donald Paul. SAGE open medicine 4 (2016): 2050312116665997. 



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