More than just a Phase

Everywhere we look we can find advice about health and wellness - there seems to be a hack for everything from curing headaches to fixing ingrown toenails.  For women, understanding and adjusting to the menstrual cycle can be one of the biggest hacks of all.  And, it’s really not just a current trend – women have been having periods since the beginning! 

Do you know your cycle?


The “average” cycle is about 28 days.  But what is normal for one woman may not be the average for someone else.  Many factors are at play: a woman’s overall health and lifestyle can impact her menstrual cycle, as can hormonal birth control and other medications.  Knowing your body and your cycle is very important if you are charting your fertility signs or using fertility awareness-based method for birth control.  Tracking your personal health data keeps you in the know and is helpful information to provide your medical practitioner.  There are many web-based apps available for tracking your health data making it easy and readily available.   


The first day of your period – when you begin bleeding- is considered the first day of your cycle.  During this first stage or MENSTRUAL PHASE the lining of the uterus is shed, energy is often low, and many women experience period pain (cramps, bloating, fatigue etc).  On average, menstruation lasts 3-7 days.  MAXIMIZEthis phase by considering exercise that is low impact, activities that are restorative rather than draining, and foods that can help replenish from blood loss.  Your chance of getting pregnant is very low during this time.  While conception might be quite unlikely, it isn’t impossible. 


The second phase is the FOLLICULAR phase.  Your pituitary gland releases follicle stimulating hormones, causing the ovaries to produce follicles, or egg sacs.  A surge of estrogen in this phase thickens the lining of the uterus and maturing follicles become nutrient rich, preparation for conception.  A surge of hormones can bring higher energy levels.  Brain and body function get a boost – MAXIMIZE time during this phase with higher impact exercise and movement, and a well-balanced selection of food to avoid blood sugar imbalances.  You’ll likely notice more changes in cervical fluids during this phase and your chance of getting pregnant will begin to increase.   


Next up – OVULATION.  Your pituitary gland releases luteinizing hormones, triggering ovulation – the release of a mature egg from an ovary.  In a typical 28 day cycle, this is about the 14th day.  You’ll notice definite changes in cervical mucus, and an even greater spike in energy and mood.  MAXIMIZEthis phase if you are trying to conceive as your body is ripe for pregnancy during this time.   If you are avoiding hormonal birth control and don’t want to become pregnant, knowing your body’s rhythm can be extremely useful.  Avoid risky sexual behaviors that could lead to pregnancy.    


The LUTEAL phase is the stage after ovulation – typically lasting 12-16 days, and ending on the first day of your period.  A lot happens during these weeks!  Your body has prepared for pregnancy – and conception could still be possible.  If you do not become pregnant, the cycle starts over again.  MAXIMIZEthis phase by continuing to nourish your body with good foods, staying hydrated, & engaging in restorative movement and exercise.  Your appetite may increase, and you may experience symptoms of PMS – bloating, swelling, breast tenderness, food cravings and mood changes.  If your PMS symptoms interfere with your everyday life, it might be a good idea to check in with your medical provider for help managing symptoms, and to rule out other potential issues.

Awareness of what your body is going through allows you to take special care  of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs in effective ways. 


We hope the information included here is helpful and is received in conjunction with other medical information.  This blog post is not intended to replace information directly received from a medical provider.  Through pregnancy testing, ultrasound confirmation and STD testing & treatment, we serve women who are considering pregnancy options. Parkridge does not provide abortions, but we do provide professional counseling, including support after abortion. All of our services are always free of charge, confidential and delivered by licensed professionals. An unintended pregnancy need not be faced by a woman in isolation. Please reach out to us and let us know if we can help! Call 806.794.8555 or make an appointment online by clicking here. 


What is Counseling?


Am I Pregnant?