I Don’t Need To Get Tested, Right?

Debunking Misconceptions About STD Testing 


Sexual health is an important part of your overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked or dismissed. When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STDs or STIs), most people underestimate the need to get tested. While there are many reasons why a woman might skip this step in monitoring her health, let’s debunk some of the more common misconceptions about STD testing.  

Parkridge provides free testing, treatment, and education, and is on your team when it comes to protecting your health and well-being.  


But I don’t have symptoms... 

One common misconception is that if there are no visible symptoms or sexual encounters seem low risk, there's no need for testing. However, many STDs can be asymptomatic, meaning they may not present noticeable signs or symptoms. You can unknowingly carry and transmit infections without ever feeling symptomatic, which makes testing essential for early detection and prompt treatment. 

But I haven’t had that many partners... 

Another misconception is that only individuals with multiple partners or those engaging in high-risk situations need to get tested. While it's true that certain situations may increase the risk of contracting an STD, anyone who is sexually active can potentially be exposed to infections. We also want to encourage you to consider that the health of your relationship should not be determined by your sex life with each other. If this is the case for you or you are feeling unsafe, reach out to us. Parkridge provides free counseling and several other services in addition to STD/STI testing.  

But my partner said they don’t have an STD...  

Assuming that your partner(s) are STD-free can be risky. STDs can be transmitted unknowingly; you may never even know that they have one! It is possible that your partner might not have symptoms, and might think they do not have an STD, yet there is no way to know for sure without an STD test. While some forms of contraception (condoms) can reduce the risk of contracting an STD, the only way to 100% avoid STD transmission is to either not have sex or only have sex with a committed/monogamous uninfected partner.   


But STDs aren't that common... 

It has been reported that Lubbock has the 7th highest number of cases of STDs in Texas.  STD testing and appropriate treatment can play a significant role in preventing the spread of infections within communities. By getting tested and seeking treatment, you can help contribute to breaking the chain of transmission. STDs and STIs are far more common than you might think. So, free and local testing is huge for women in our community! 


But I’m pregnant... 

It is important to get tested and treated – especially if you are pregnant. For many women who come to Parkridge, we can offer a pregnancy test and an STD/STI test within the same appointment. Untreated STDs can create complications to a pregnancy and could affect your developing baby. If you think you are pregnant and are worried about having an STD, Parkridge can help!  Most STD treatment is safe during pregnancy and can be essential to the health of a woman and her pregnancy. You can read more about pregnancy and STDs here. If you are considering abortion, testing and treatment for STDs is still important for your health. Having a full and accurate picture of your overall health is important when undergoing any medical procedure.  

While there are a lot of misconceptions around STDs and STIs, remember that your health and well-being matters.

Take charge of your sexual health, break the stigma, and prioritize getting yourself tested. We are on your team!  


Getting tested for STDs is free and is easily accessible at Parkridge. There are a lot of misconceptions that may guide conversations about STDs and STIs but we are here to tell you – regardless of perceived risk or absence of symptoms- you can and should get tested. Getting tested and treated can help protect you from the long-term effects of STDs and STIs. Research shows that untreated STDs can lead to further infections, infertility, pregnancy risk, and complications with other health factors.  

Get Tested!  

Parkridge offers free STD testing and treatment. If you think you may have an STD, call to schedule your free appointment. Hassle free. Judgement free. Cost free. Call: 806.794.8555. Some restrictions may apply.

We hope the information included here is helpful, and is received in conjunction with other medical information.  This blog post is not intended to replace information directly received from a medical or mental healthcare provider.  Parkridge provides initial medical care and counseling for women experiencing unintended pregnancy. Through pregnancy testing, ultrasound confirmation and STD testing & treatment, we serve women who are considering both abortion and other pregnancy options. Our counseling team serves women in many situations, including those who need post abortion support. All of our services are always free of charge, confidential and delivered by licensed professionals.  Please reach out to us and let us know if we can help! Call 806.794.8555 or make an appointment online by clicking here.   




Inside the Clinic - Mental Health Checks


Inside the Clinic - Pregnancy Tests